Day 17
We head off on our trail which is supposed to take up to 5 hours by car so will see how long it takes on bikes. It’s quite cool and even after a couple of serious hills on gravel roads we still need to wear jumpers. The trail is really interesting with lots of old buildings, miners dugouts, a gaol as well as the mine and old equipment. We finish in 3 hours and decide to have some lunch before we get back on the road. There is a cute little Indonesian cafe in town so we warm up with Nasi Goreng.. With extra Chillies!! That warms us up! Drove about 140km to Wallaroo on the western coast near the top of the Yorke Peninsula where Jenny and Ross have reserved us a site. It’s only a small park but very full of mostly fishermen. This is a very popular spot for catching blue swimmer crabs and squid. We have a walk around the jetty where ships come in to take the wheat and barley from the huge silos near the wharf. There are many ropes tied to the railings of the jetty with crab pots attached and we are lucky enough to see one fisherman retrieving his catch. It’s very windy here and probably will stay with us now on and off as we head across to the West. Jenny has made us dinner so we retreat to their lovely warm van for our meal. They even have a TV and I can’t help glancing aimlessly at it (haven’t watched TV since we left home). Our camper is great and versatile, but when the weather is a little chilly we miss the nice little comforts of indoors.
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