Day 110
We decide to head up to Kalumburu today which is about 110km on what we hope is a little better road than yesterday. Another early start and the trip takes us about 2 hours. Kalumburu is an Aboriginal Community and a great fishing spot and we arrive in time to get the last part of a guided tour of the Mission which has a lot of history and very well told by a very passionate catholic priest who has collected much memorabilia and lovingly restored buildings to show the past history of the area. We drive up to Honeymoon Bay for a picnic lunch and after getting bogged in the sand and luckily letting enough air out of the tyres to get unbogged it’s a quick sandwich gobbled down as there are crocs in abundance around here and we don’t fancy a night on the beach! Next stop was at McGowan’s Island camp ground and it is hard to believe that you can’t swim in this most beautiful bay. Apparently if the crocs don’t get you, the sharks will.......supposed to be beaut fishing around these parts though. We need some fuel to get back and if anyone thinks it costs a lot for fuel at home then how does $2.60 per litre of diesel and Al found out it was cheap compared to last year at $3.20!!Al sheepishly asked if they minded if he only bought 10 litres....the lady was very understanding!! Anyway we drove the 2 hours back to our little haven of King Edward River and another refreshing swim.
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